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Dwight David Eisenhower was an American army general during World War 2, eventually being given the title of General of the Army.

In November 1942, Eisenhower led the American forces in Operation Torch, in which the Allies invaded the Nazi- held territory in North Africa, holding his headquarters in Admiralty Tunnel, inside the Rock of Gibraltar.

The cooperation of the French was deemed tantamount to the entire operation, and coming across a "preposterous situation", with the numerous rival factions within France. In order to fulfill his primary goal of moving forces into Tunisia, he lent his support to French admiral François Darlan for the position of High Commissioner in North Africa.

However, what General Eisenhower was unaware of at the time was that Darlan was being controlled by the Templar Order. Realizing that Darlan was being manipulated, Assassin extremist Fernand Bonnier de La Chapelle assassinated the admiral in his headquarters.

The Assassins were angry with their "brother" for assassinating Darlan without their ordering, but nevertheless, they attempted, but failed, to break him out of prison before he was executed by firing squad. La Chapelle mentioned a "Brotherhood" before he was put to death, but no one took him seriously and simply discounted his statement.

His "Brotherhood" statement eventually made it to the upper brass of the Allied forces, such as Eisenhower and British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery. They noted the mention of the group, but put it to the side, as Operation Torch needed their utmost attention.

First Encounter with the Assassins[]

It wasn't until Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel launched his initial operation at the Battle of Kasserine Pass, that Eisenhower had his first encounter with the Assassins. A member of the brotherhood named John Parsons was serving with the 13th Infantry Division in the area. Meeting with General Eisenhower, the two discussed how to effectively claim victory over the Nazis. Upon a suggestion from John, Eisenhower created confusion within their ranks by having his subordinates interfere with the execution of the Nazi's battle plans.

After concluding the meeting, John was about to leave, as he needed to confront General Rommel and stop him from further advancing into the pass. However, General Eisenhower stopped him before he left. He noticed that John matched the description of the mysterious Brotherhood that La Chapelle mentioned before his execution.

Eisenhower asked John if he was a member of this organization, and the assassin was surprised that he had even heard of it, as it was supposed to be a closely guarded secret. The general informed John that La Chapelle told those viewing his execution of it after being put to death for assassinating Admiral Darlan.

John realized was Eisenhower was speaking of, and informed him that yes, he was a member of the Brotherhood, and that La Chapelle used to be a member as well. The assassin then explained that the organization was known as the Brotherhood of Assassins, and that Admiral Darlan was a puppet of their enemies, the Templar Order.

He also stated that the Assassins stood for preserving the free will of humanity while the Templars stood for the control of the human race, as they believe that it needs a firm guiding hand to "set it on the right path". Eisenhower then asked if the Templars were responsible for the war.

John responded by saying that yes, the Templars had in fact started the war to further their goal of control, and that it wasn't just the Nazis and other Axis Powers who were controlled by the order, but that it had members in the United States and the other Allied Nations as well. Eisenhower was slightly disturbed that the Templars were influencing the war, and so he decided to align himself with the Assassins and their mission to safeguard free will. After the revelation, John managed to meet up with Rommel and help prevent him from taking control of the pass.

Operation Overlord & D-Day[]

Beginning on June 6th, 1944, Operation Overlord, led by Eisenhower, began with a 1,200 man airborne assault followed by the infamous amphibious attack by American forces on Omaha Beach. This amphibious attack, known as D-Day, involved 5,000 vessels. John Parsons took part in the landing, and stormed his way up the beach with his fellow Americans, until they managed to breach the German machine guns overlooking the beach, where they killed the German soldiers manning them.

However, the day before the operation began, Eisenhower once again encountered John Parsons, who was preparing to enter the fight alongside the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. The two shared a quick talk with one another, where John mentioned that he would be joining the American forces in the Liberation of Paris, as he had received word that a Templar within the German Headquarters in the city, Oberstleutnant Dietrich von Choltitz, was involved in the genocide of countless innocent Jewish people. Upon reaching Paris, he would meet up with a French assassin named Étienne Genet and the two would then seek to capture or even assassinate von Choltitz.

Eisenhower, wishing John the best in his mission, left him to leave for Paris, while he continued to lead the Allied Forces in the Operation.

Allied Victory in Europe[]

In December of 1944, the Nazis began a surprise counteroffensive, which came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge
