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Newton's Apple was a Piece of Eden belonging to Sir Isaac Newton, a British Scientist and Templar puppet.

Harald Hardraðr and The War of 1066[]

By the early-11th century, the apple was discovered by Harald Hardraðr in Ephesus in a vault located beneath where the Temple of Artemis had once stood. Following its discovery, Hardraðr was able to gain great power in the Varangian Guard, even, as skald Snorri Sturlusson would put it, becoming the "leader over all the Varangians", as well as amass a great hoard of treasure.

By 1047, Harald had become co-ruler of Norway with King Magnus the Good, albeit a co-rule in many ways more favourable to Magnus, such as Harald being required to give half his wealth to him. On the 25th of October that year, on a longship belonging to Magnus off the coast of Jylland (modern day Jutland), Harald Hardraðr used the Apple of Eden to force Magnus to throw himself into the sea, thereby eliminating all rivals to the Norse throne, before altering the witnesses' memories of the scene.

In 1038, many years prior to his death, Magnus the Good had made an agreement with Harthacnut, then King of England, stating that on the occasion that one of them died the other would inherit their titles. The Apple spoke to Harald, stating that Harthacnut had died first and, seeing as Magnus's death gave Harald his half of the claim, Hardraðr was the rightful King of England. Allying against Harold Godwinson, the current King of England at the time, with his own brother, Hardraðr began his attempt for the English throne. Though he won several battles near York, Harald lost the Apple to a quick-fingered soldier loyal to Godwinson. At the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Godwinson killed Hardraðr utilizing the Viking's own Apple against him by summoning an illusionary army of ghosts resembling the raider Ivarr Ragnarsson, who was said to protect England as long as his body laid buried there. Hardraðr and his horde fought hard against this impossible army, nearly driving back Godwinson's combined forces, being stopped only after being stabbed b seven blades at once. With Harald dead, the Saxon army finally brought the vikings to heel, thus ending the Age of the Vikings. The peace of this victory, however, would not last.

Directly following the Battle of Stamford Bridge, England once again came under attack from an ally of the late Hardraðr, the Duke of Normandy, William the Bastard. Word from a surviving viking had reached the duke's about the artifact, however, and Duke William saw an oppurtunity to spring the same trap as Godwinesson had previously wrought upon Hardraðr. William had a soldier sneak behind the enemy's lines and take the Apple prior to the battle, thereby allowing him an essentially unobstructed path to victory, before unearthing the body of Ivarr and burning it on a funeral pyre as a message to Godwinson.

In the midst of the battle between King Harold and Duke William's forces, on the 14th of October 1066, William's army finally struck the telling blow on Harold, using an illusionary Hardraðr to draw his attention while four of William's knights put Harold to the sword. Harold's body would be dismembered and William would become known as Guillaume le Conquérant, William the Conqueror. Some time between William's ascent to the crown and his death in 1087, a Hidden One took the Apple from the king's chambers. The Hidden One died in a fight with Templar aligned soldiers in Lincolnshire. The Apple, and the box containing it, were not on the body. No matter how hard the area was searched, they could not be found.

Sir Isaac Newton[]

In 1666, Isaac Newton discovered the apple after hearing whispers directing him to dig below a fruit tree on the grounds of his home, Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire. The apple, seemingly having considered him worthy of its secrets, opened his mind to its font of knowledge. This new found knowledge, along with backing he would later receive from the Templars, led to a new era of scientific thought.

Behind this, however, Newton was also performing work in the field of alchemy, assisted by the Apple, and attempting to create a philosopher's stone based on surviving records of the work of Bombastus, a swiss alchemist during the Renaissance.

In the year 1696, Newton was approached by one of his Templar patrons, a man by the name of Charles Montagu who, in exchange for the Apple, promised a high position as Warden of the Mint of England. Newton accepted and would go on to help organize the Great Recoinage of 1696. The Apple would help the Templars gain power in London

Cook's voyage[]

In 1760, during the Seven Years War, maps belonging to the assassin Louis-Joseph Gaultier were taken by Templar Shay Cormac and given to a naval officer named James Cook. Some of these maps were discovered by Templars in the British Royal Society, who had been informed of Cook through Shay Cormac, to show an area eerily similar to one described in an ancient text detailing a seperate Isu vault,

On the sixteenth of February, 1768, the aforementioned Templars in the Royal Society convinced King George III to fund an expedition to this island, located in the South Pacific, intending to check for Precursor sites whilst also putting in place plans for a foothold there before the Assassins could.
