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Sicari Di Bronte Di Templari (1665-1927) or Sicarus Templariorum (1194-1665) or the Sicarus Fleet (1665-1857) or the Sicarus Battalion (1665-1775) were an elite Italian Templar faction which were assigned to complete assassination contracts of Templars, Pirates and Assassins. They are responsible for at least 9,200 recorded killings from 1665 until 1925.



Before 1665, They were simply still only known as the Knights Templar. to read about such people, go to Templars.


Similar to their main counterpart, the Sicari Di Bronte must uphold one Templar rule and three of their own:

  1. You must not at any point kill an ally.
  2. Never surrender to an enemy of the Emperor.
  3. Do not become, side with and or agree with the enemy.
  4. Do so until death, whatever the cost.

Breaking these rules has always resulted in death for the one who does so. For example, Angelo Bronte (the second-to-last King) eliminated O Senhor (a member) due to the latter's actions compromising the Sicari Di Bronte's beliefs with his actions, incompliance and allegiance with the Assassins.


"NON NOBIS, DOMINE, NON NOBIS, SED NOMINI TUO DA GLORIAM" ("NOT TO US, O LORD, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME")-the motto of the Sicari Di Bronte and or the Sicarus Templariorum.

Following methods of Alfred the Great, this branch of Templars were almost always solely Christians, except for exceptions in history when it has been completely necessary not to be, for example Patrice Jacques Cormac Dorian, the only assassin to ever be a member. Including this, they have at all times followed The Father Of Understanding, similar to their Templar brothers.

The presence of them known to the general public has never been clear, although its order had assassinated many by the time of their disbandment as a means of countering the ever-increasing threat against their land from assassins, and to protect the Christian cause. In 1665, at the date of their independence, they began to assist the Templars when believing it within their power to unite the world in peace.

Notable Killings[]

Battle of Havana[]

(this paragraph has been taken from one of my own articles. for this page, go to Patrice Jacques Cormac Dorian).
Sanchez entered the mountains on horseback, accompanied by his son, Giovanni Sanchez. Suddenly, a group of fifteen men (The Sicari), approached them with rifles across their backs. Dismounting, they shot at Sanchez, starting a night-long battle. Eventually, after many direct shots at Sanchez, he collapsed onto an old cobblestone path. The captain incapacitated, Patrice came forth, cocked his flintlock pistol, and assassinated the him.

Other Notable Important Killings[]

  • Tsar Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, killed in sleep.
  • George III, King of England, killed from above.
  • Calico Jack Rackham, Pirate Captain, killed at sea.
  • Antonio Abati, Italian Poet, killed via poison.
  • Hugh Fortescue, British Politician, killed from trampling.
  • Hector Barbossa, British Naval Captain, killed in a skirmish.
  • Giovanni Anjelo, Italian Citizen, killed in a skirmish.
  • Mia Anjelo, Italian Citizen, killed in a skirmish
  • Pietuccianus Anjelo II, Italian Citizen, killed in a skirmish.
  • Patrick Cudgel Cormac, Irish Templar Grandmaster, killed in battle.
  • Patrick "Dropkick" Maguire, Last Lord of the Brethren Court, killed at sea.
  • Louis Alec Rico, American Outlaw, killed in sleep.
  • John Wilkes Booth, Member and Traitor, killed from above.
  • Abraham Lincoln, American President, killed from behind.
  • Tommaso Frederick Anjelo, Sicilian Don, killed at war.