Vincent was a member of the Rooks gang in London under Jacob Frye during the late 1860s. He was also a Sage of the Isu Vejovis.
In 1868, Vincent partook in a gang war against Assassins Jacob and Evie Frye while serving as a Blighter under Templar Gang Leader Rexford Kaylock in Whitechapel. Engaging in the fight, Vincent was beaten to a pulp by two members of the Rooks, Jacob and Evie's gang, which Jacob had started after the pair arrived in London. Vincent watched as Kaylock, his boss, attempted to flee the fight abord his train, to which this made Vincent question his loyalty to the Templar.
After Jacob returned from assassinating Kaylock on the roof of his train, Vincent listened to the speech that the Frye twins gave, beginning with Jacob holding Kaylock's Templar badge in the air and declaring that the gang leader was dead, and that Whitechapel was no longer under the thumb of the Blighters. He listened as Evie said that they all had the opportunity to leave the Blighters and join the ranks of the Rooks against Templar Grand Master Crawford Starrick and his cutthroats.
Vincent, seeing his chance, stepped forward, and looked up at the twins and accepted their offer, before being thrown a green outfit by another Rook. Jacob then jumped down and welcomed Vincent to the gang.
Sometime after joining the Rooks, Vincent began having visions of Vejovis, and began hearing the Isu speak to him in his mind. Fearing he was going mad, he kept this from the Frye twins and the other Rooks, fearing they would find him to be insane.
Vincent would later be killed in another Gang War later that year.